Can my kids handle a photo shoot? | Eickhoff Photography | Edmonds, WA


Yes! The answer is yes, I think so =) You may be thinking, my kids are crazy sometimes, there is no way they will sit still for photos. They run around, they want to do all the things they aren’t supposed to be doing and all we will end up with is photos of the back of their heads as they take off to look at something cool on the ground. Don’t worry about it, just let me do the worrying! My kids run around like maniacs every time we do a photo shoot, but we always manage to corral them back in for some amazing photos. No matter how “out of control” or grumpy you think your kids are during our photo shoot, I can still coax some great smiles out of them and help wrangle them back in for that full family photo. 

 If, on the other hand, you think your kids are too shy around new people and won’t relax and be themselves, I have some tricks to help with that as well. Having spent the last 15 years working with patients at Seattle Children’s Hospital, I have found some surefire ways to connect with your kiddos so that they can get comfortable with me and let their personality shine through in their photos.

black and white photo of twin boy and girl hugging while standing on a sidewalk surrounded by leafy and grassy plants with a white greenhouse in the background

Some ideas to help the photo shoot go smoothly even if your kids are struggling with holding still or unsure if they want to participate:


-       If your kiddo is feeling nervous, anxious, or shy about having their photo taken, I am happy to give them some time to warm up to the process and me. We can give them some space and photograph a sibling or parents first. Often times seeing someone else enjoying the photo shoot can make them want to jump right in.

-       Some kiddos like to take a look through my camera lens or take a photo of their sibling or parents so that they have a better understanding of what is happening and feel more engaged or in control.

-       Other kiddos just want mama or dad to hold them. This is okay too. If they seem comfortable with me photographing them while you hold them, photos of you snuggling together can be some of the sweetest images.

young boy hugs dad who nuzzles boys temple, dad dressed in blue shirt, boy dressed in blue and red paid button down with golden light hitting grass and trees behind them

 -       If your kiddo just wants to run and play, this is okay too. We can give them some space to run around and explore. Again we can often photograph a sibling or parents while they are running around and they usually come back to join us on their own, or can be wrangled back into the group.


-       I will talk with your kids and help to get them excited to have their photos taken. It can be helpful if, when filling out your session contract, you give me a couple of topics that they enjoy as this can make connecting with them a little easier. But I usually manage to work out their favorite activities regardless.


-       Planning a small reward ahead of time, like a family dinner out after photos can be a great way to encourage excitement in your kids. You could tell them  about this ahead of time to get the positive energy going for your photos.


black and white photo of mom holding 2 year old boy from behind, she looks over his shoulder, he is playing with her fingers and both are laughing

-       Having a little something extra as a back up reward can also be helpful, but don’t tell them about this one in advance. Maybe a stop at the cookie shop, cupcake shop, or ice cream shop after dinner. Or a small toy they’ve been wanting that is waiting for them in the car when we are done. If you have this waiting in the wings, let me know and I’d love to be able to bring it up when we need it the most to refocus their attention.


-       If you have little kids that need comfort, you could bring a cute favorite stuffy with and keep it tucked away. Then, if the moment arises that your little love needs a little extra comfort, having their favorite stuffy can add to the photos. I recently took some photos of my little girl with her favorite stuffed monkey and I am so happy that I have her love for that stuffy recorded forever.


Still don’t believe me? A client whom I have photographed the last several years recently sent this response to their sneak peek, “These look great! Thanks Lindsay, always reassuring to see the momentary gems captured between the kid chaos.” All kids come with a bit of chaos ;) Let’s find all the fantastic moments within the chaos and get some beautiful photos of you and your family.

Two young girls in white dresses lay on a grey blanket with baby brother laying between them. Photo from above. oldest girl caressing baby brother's head. Youngest girl looking up at camera and smiling

Updated May 17, 2024

© Eickhoff Photography

Lindsay Eickhoff